Economic and Investment Deputy of Anzali Free Zone

The role of Anzali Free Zone in economic development of Guilan province and country

Anzali Free Zone because of  the very good laws such as a variety of tax exemption, security of capital and assets (Article 5 of the Law on the management of free zones), is one of the most appropriate area for attracting domestic and foreign investment.

Anzali Free trade-industrial zone is one of the best geographical areas in terms of development of tourism, economic, industrial and commercial activities due to its proximity to the metropolis of Rasht and Anzali city and is capable of competing with ports of the Caspian littoral states.

Anzali Free Trade – Industrial Zone Company is seeking to diversify its activities in the province by expanding e-commerce and developing virtual markets as well as holding international exhibitions.

Anzali Free Zone with the presence of sea, forest and lagoon is looking  for development of  regional tourism services by developing tourism, protecting Anzali International lagoon, developing tourist attractions, launching a sea route to other northern ports such as Noshahr and Turkmen port lead to development of National and international services.

Anzali Free Zone because is located in Guilan province as agriculture hub, it is one of the most appropriate regions for processing and packing industries which create add value for this the province.

Anzali Free Zone in its economic functions can handle things like export and marketing, services marketing, logistics services for agricultural products in the province and turn traditional agriculture into modern agriculture a mix of industry and technology.

Anzali free Zone  due to the proper rules and regulations as well as the availability of the necessary infrastructure, it can be used as a pilot for establishing of companies and industrial units that produce related or complementary products and thus assist to grow to all encompassing economy of the province and the country.

Anzali Free Zone with the development of processing industries, productivity of agricultural activities, the development of high technology industries, specialized and export with international performance (agriculture - electronics - fisheries), paying export subsidies, and emphasis on industrial development in industrial states has taken steps in the direction of development of the export industry.

Anzali Free trade zone due to its high traffic and transportation status since is on the north-south corridor, has high potential to improve the province's position in this field.

Anzali Free Zone with the link between business and industrial clusters seeks to further reduce overhead costs and help to development of the industry sector in the province.

Anzali free Zone by creating and launching the Caspian port complex in addition to expanding commercial and trade activities of the province can expand maritime and port industries and thus enable 80  industry related to this industry in the province.

Anzali Free Zone organization by construction of a new Caspian port complex and establishing the connecting rail link of this harbor to the existing Qazvin-Anzali-Astara railway could boost transit revenues in the province.

Anzali Free Zone is working on developing science and technology parks and developing scientific communication with educational and research institutions are taking steps toward transfer technology and technology knowledge.

Anzali Free Zone with the development of superior university services and the establishment of international university units and admission of private universities not only help to development of science and technology in the province, but also emergence of demand for scientific and educational tourism in the cold season.

Update date : 4/24/2018